Метка: linux

AppArmor with cupsd denied in logs

Workaround from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingPrintingProblems#AppArmor_Protection_of_the_printing_system Make sure apparmor-utils is installed: apt-get install apparmor-utils If you have any problems with printing, try deactivating the AppArmor protection with sudo aa-complain cupsd. Note after doing this I had to unplug and replug the printer for it to work. You can re-activate AppArmor via sudo aa-enforce cupsd. If this helps, look for messages containing audit in the […]

Галочка Активный принтер

Как предоставить пользователю право ставить галочку «Активный» без ввода root-пароля? добавить пользователей в группы lp и sys. lp — просто для печати. sys — для управления принтером.

DrWeb linux не заходит в режим администратора

Greetings! With the wonders of Google translation even a monolingual American like me can participate on a Russian language forum! It’s truly amazing that with the click of a button an entire page of Russian suddenly becomes readable. I hope it works the same going back the other way; otherwise, some of you may not […]